Master of business administration of Cardiff metropolitan university
The MBA programme at VUM, ending up with a Cardiff Metropolitan University UK degree and with a second Master degree of VUM, is a three-semester programme for the British degree plus one more semester for the Bulgarian degree. It can be taken in Sofia or Varna.
The programme is designed to provide the students with a comprehensive background in the analysis and applications (managerial techniques) needed for the management decision making process at the company level.

Programme features and aims
The MBA programme is company-focused and takes a string of cross-cultural and international perspectives in most areas of study. It will boost your confidence in your management abilities. Graduation from this programme will give you an opportunity to shift into top gear and speed along the fast lane of the business world. The programme aims to:
Develop an ability to analyse a broad range of approaches to the study of business and management and to critically evaluate the influences of controversial issues in the business environment.
Enable students to critically assess changes in business administration in the context of wider political, social and organisational changes.
Build on students’ ability to autonomously synthesize information/ideas and create responses to problems and /or develop new approaches in new situations.
Encourage students to objectively appraise the range of economic, human and ethical dilemmas that impinge on the modern manager.
Programme structure
The British programme lasts three semesters. The first two semesters are taught semesters, while the third one is for the preparation of the dissertation.
Accounting for Decision Makers
Enables students to evaluate the financial situation of their organisations and compare it to that of other organisations, as well as provide the tools for the effective evaluation of capital expenditure.
People & Organisations
Provides insights into the factors influencing the behaviour of people within organisations and how these influences might be taken into account to achieve maximum organisational effectiveness. Particular attention will be paid to organisation culture, conflict and the management of change, and to the relationship of national culture to ways of doing business.
Provides students with a practical understanding of how the dynamics of the market, the business environment, consumer trends and behaviour and the organisation’s own capabilities impact upon its ability to develop and deliver profitable customers propositions. An emphasis is placed on the development of appropriate marketing strategies and plans.
Operations Management
The content of this module will focus primarily on the future needs of students and can be tailored to their likely subsequent careers. For those students likely to be entering the service sector the module can primarily be focused on service operations management with manufacturing operations management being taught as the minor component. For those students with a likely career in manufacturing, then manufacturing operations can be the major focus with service operations management taught as the minor component.
Strategic Management
Provides insights into the factors influencing the formulation and implementation of strategy. These factors will encompass those external to the firm, such as market structure and demographic changes, and those internal, such as style of leadership and organisational culture. The module also aims to facilitate the understanding of issues arising out of the process of internationalization. The students will be able to take these into account when recommending strategies appropriate for a variety of circumstances.
Buyer Behaviour and Relationship Marketing
After completing the module, the student should be able to:
Differentiate between types and classes of customer and how this affects their buying behaviour, to include the effects of sustainability and recycling on buyer behaviour;
Critically review relevant motivational theories and their effects on customer behaviour;
Evaluate decision making-processes and customer behaviour in both B2C and B2B contexts;
Seminars will be used to discuss and explain specific problem areas. Students will also be expected to undertake self-directed learning to complement classroom-based teaching.
Management of Finance
The aim of this module is to provide a critical understanding and application of the main concepts and models used to manage an international business from the financial perspective. It also aims to enable the student to critically evaluate international business opportunities and assess the impact of the financial dimensions within a dynamic global market in order to be able to make astute investment decision.
The dissertation is an essential part of the process of achieving a master’s level. It will provide the students with the opportunity to work independently and develop their ability to make critical and evaluative judgments. Students will specialize in an area of their choice but will be expected to draw upon a major theme of the taught part of the MBA and relate this to research. Using primary data, they will be guided by a personal tutor throughout the process. It is expected that this will provide an opportunity to integrate the course with practice, developing the ability to be an effective reflective practitioner. The dissertation should demonstrate that the student is able to produce work that is relevant in practice, particularly at the strategic level, and has an academic standing at the master’s level.
Innovation Management
The objective of this unit is to present a contemporary view of innovation management that focuses on the links and overlaps between groups rather than on a single perspective from, say, marketing or research and development. It attempts to do this from a business management perspective, and aims to provide students with the knowledge to understand how to manage innovation.
Brand management
Demonstrate an understanding of product development and brand management theories, models and concepts. Identify key decisions and decision points in the product development process and branding process, as well as being able to understand the links between decisions made with regards to the product and brand. Critically evaluate the importance and role of research and analysis of customer preferences in product and brand management.
Leadership & Change Management
The aim of this module is to introduce students to the leadership and management of change. As product life cycles shorten, and business, faced with global competition and rapidly changing technology, the need for change, and the capability to manage this process effectively, are becoming ever more critical elements in the managerial skill set.
This module will explore the theoretical perspectives on organizational change. It will place particular emphasis on upon the distinction between the management of change and the leadership of change, and why both dimensions are critical for success. We will explore how leadership, creativity and innovation, invigorate the change process, and how managers translate this into organizational success.
Teaching and learning
Tuition is full-time. Classes are scheduled on Thursday and Friday evenings and on Saturdays. This allows the participants to carry out their professional duties while studying.
A wide range of teaching methods are used, including presentations, seminar discussions, computer-based work, group projects, and study trips. This variety enhances the learning process and enriches the study experience. All students are also expected to do considerable reading in order to gain additional knowledge about important management issues.
Visiting lecturers from business and industry are invited to participate in the teaching programme where appropriate. The assessment of the courses varies, depending on the nature of the discipline. Combinations of essays and case-studies are quite common.
The marking process follows British rules and practice: double marking, followed by moderation and an external examiner in the UK.

Study trip
The MBA study trips give excellent chances to study, analyse and anticipate business opportunities and risks in truly international context.

Admission requirements
To be eligible to apply for the MBA programme, you need to be a Bulgarian or foreign citizen who has a bachelor degree, a good command of the English language and work experience. Admission decisions are made on the basis of the applicant’s documents. Applicants who do not have an official English language certificate must sit for an exam (free of charge) at VUM.
To be registered at cardiff met, applicants must submit the following documents
1. A filled-out International Student Application Form
2. Personal statement (Section 8 of the international student application form). It must have the date when it was filled out and the applicant’s name. It must also be signed by the applicant.
3. A bachelor or master-level degree. Applicants whose academic achievement is 3rd Class Honors cannot be registered on the programme unless they have at least 5 years of work experience.
4. An English language certificate. Any of the following is acceptable:
a. An international certificate: IELTS 6.5 +, Cambridge Advanced.
b. Successful English language entrance exam at VUM. In this case, the applicant receives a VUM English language certificate.
c. A British or US bachelor or master degree. In this case, no English language exam is necessary.
5. Two letters of recommendations from an employer or a lecturer, on an official form, with the logo of the employer’s or lecturer’s organization. The letters should be submitted to VUM as colour scans.
6. An identification document: an identity card for Bulgarian citizens; an international passport for foreign citizens. The document should be submitted to VUM as a high-resolution colour scan.
7. A passport-size photograph. It should be submitted to VUM as a high-resolution colour scan.
8. A resume (CV) in English.