Безплатен йога уебинар с д-р Бумика от Индия на 16 и 17 юли
- Категории Новини
- Дата юли 1, 2022
Заповядайте на безплатния уебинар с д-р Бумика от Индия на 16 и 17 юли от 10:30ч. до 12:30ч. в двата дни. Уебинарите ще са на английски език и няма да има превод. Специално за всички включили се ще има промо цена за събитието ни с нея в Албена в началото на септември.
Д-р Бумика е мотивиран и опитен консултант и съветник по натуропат с над 8 години опит в областта на натуропатията и управлението на начина на живот, като предлага лечение, консултиране, диета и консултации. В допълнение към това тя провежда много семинари за различни целеви групи за това как да приемат натуропатия, за да водят здравословен начин на живот.
Регистрирайте се още сега на https://bit.ly/3HveWka
Имаме удоволствието да Ви предложим безплатните двучасови уебинари с д-р Бумика на 16 и 17 юли със следните теми:
About Naturopathy and Lifestyle Management:
– Naturopathy is an alternative therapy for the necessary treatment of your body using all-natural things including fruits, vegetables, and other relevant products to support human wellness and lifestyle.
– The foundation of Naturopathy is based on the greatness of exercise, sunlight, freshwater, stress management, a healthy diet, and so on.
– The foundation of Naturopathy is based on the greatness of exercise, sunlight, freshwater, stress management, a healthy diet, and so on.
(b) Benefits of Naturopathy Treatment and adoption in routine life:
– Naturopathy stimulates positive thinking, lowers stress, anxiety & depression, improves overall health, enhances outlook, boosts optimism, and improves one’s ability to cope with health-related issues.
– It is an individualized treatment that aims at transforming one’s overall well-being.
– It is an individualized treatment that aims at transforming one’s overall well-being.
– Due to stressful and busy life, and unhealthy food habits more and more people have different health-related issues from an early age.
– Participants shall get complete knowledge on how to adopt Naturopathy in their day-to-day life to have a healthy life.
– During the workshop they shall be taught all about Naturopathy, different food and vegetable for a healthy life, natural treatment methods, and therapies.
– Participants shall get complete knowledge on how to adopt Naturopathy in their day-to-day life to have a healthy life.
– During the workshop they shall be taught all about Naturopathy, different food and vegetable for a healthy life, natural treatment methods, and therapies.
* That is why this 2 days workshop shall be highly important and beneficial for the participants to have a Healthy Life for their families.

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